Elite Insurance Agency Blog: insurance
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Monday, October 15, 2018Now that it is October, it's for Medicare's annual open enrollment. This is the time of year for Medicare recipients to update or change their coverage. It's also when certain new participants can enroll in coverage for the first time. If you are a Medicare recipient, how do you know whether you need to do anything? READ MORE >>
Monday, September 10, 2018 A small leak suddenly becomes a ruptured pipe. Heavy rains cause floodwater to enter the house. In either case, the damage might prove costly and hard to repair. You will likely want your homeowners insurance to help. However, an issue you might face is whether you have coverage on your home policy. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 9, 2018No driver wants to experience an accident. When they happen, they could cause not only vehicle damage, but also personal damage. Estimates from 2016 show that more than 6,000 people sustain injuries in car accidents every day. Every injury will likely cost money. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 9, 2018 Homes can flood in many severe weather situations. Water damage might prove to be some of the most expansive and expensive damage any homeowner can face. Before a flood strikes, homeowners should do what they can to prepare for such events. What are some of the protective measures you should take? READ MORE >>
Monday, June 25, 2018 Every day, you plug your phone in to charge. You flip on the television. You microwave a dish. All of this requires electricity. And electricity is inherently dangerous. Unfortunately, electrical fires are not uncommon in homes. Yet, many homeowners do not know what it takes to maintain their system against these risks. READ MORE >>
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